Boarding T's & C's
Please ensure you carefully read through our terms & conditions before boarding your pet with us. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.
Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals agrees to provide safe, clean, and appropriate conditions for the animals using our facilities.
Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals agrees to provide a “holiday getaway” for the boarder/s. Once the booking form and payment have been received, a contract is deemed as active.
The owner agrees to provide Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals with full information on behavioural, dietary, and special needs/requirements. It is incredibly important to notify us of any health issues the boarder/s has or had recently, or anything recurrent e.g. regular gas or stasis episodes in rabbits. We cannot protect your pet without this information, so even if it seems irrelevant, it needs to be disclosed.
Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals only boards neutered rabbits (except special circumstances which have been pre-agreed before booking).
The owner is to bring any pellets / mix that the boarder/s eat to minimise disruption to their usual diet.
Full payment is required at the time of booking. If, for some reason, the owner is unable to collect the boarder/s on the allocated day, an extra day charge (per day) will be applicable to pay on the collection of the boarder/s.
We are open for collections and drop-offs via appointment only (Monday-Sunday, 9 am to 3 pm).
The owner books a time slot to drop off and collect their pets. Failure to keep to time results in delays for the owner and any other owners coming in. We understand that delays happen sometimes and can’t be helped, but please notify Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals if this occurs. If you miss your collection and can’t arrive before 3 pm, you will be charged for another day and will need to re-arrange for a collection the following day.
In the event of the boarder/s needing veterinary treatment, the owner agrees that Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals is allowed to take their pet to House & Jackson Vets (Rookery Rd, Ingatestone CM4 0LE), and proceed in their best interests.
Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals will pay for any treatment upfront, but the fees will need to be reimbursed upon collection by the owner. By completing our booking form, you are agreeing to pay for any costs of treatment your pet may incur during their stay in addition to the booking fee.
Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals accepts no liability if your pet becomes ill or passes away whilst boarding with us. Sadly small animals can pass away with little or no warning, and if this happens, we will contact you immediately to discuss your wishes.
If the owner fails to collect the boarder/s within 10 days of the scheduled collection date, you are liable to pay 10 days’ boarding fees, as well as an additional £100 re-homing fee.
When boarding rabbits with Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals, vaccination cards must be presented upon drop off of the boarder/s as proof of vaccination. Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals will not admit any rabbits to our facilities without appropriate vaccinations for the safety of other boarders and permanent residents at Hopefield Animal Sanctuary. Vaccinations must be given at least 21 days prior to boarding or we will refuse to board your rabbits. Your rabbits must be vaccinated against Myxomatosis, R(v)HD1 and R(v)HD2. There are no exceptions to our vaccination policy.
All animals admitted will be health checked and Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals reserves the right to refuse boarding to any pet it deems could put others at risk if any health issues have not been previously declared.
Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals used bales of hay and straw from a locally sourced farm. There is a small chance of mites being brought in with these bales as they are natural products and this cannot be helped. By completing our booking form you are agreeing to this risk and Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals is not responsible should this occur.
We do not take responsibility for carriers or other belongings, and Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals requests you take these home with you after drop off.
Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals does not tolerate negative or abusive behaviour and we have the right to refuse service to any person we feel is acting in this way.
The owner accepts the terms and conditions of Hopefield Boarding for Small Animals when completing the booking form.
Our utmost priority is the boarder/s. We will do everything humanly possible to ensure the boarder/s have a pleasant stay with us, and that the welfare of your pet/s is the most important part of this experience.
Cancellation terms:
Less than 2 weeks - no refund
Between 2-3 weeks - 50% refund
3 or more weeks - 75% refund